Join or Renew your
Chamber Membership!
The Chamber is the eyes and ears of the community.
Our Networking Events and General Meetings provide you with the opportunity to meet Chamber members, local residents, and County leaders. The Chamber offers a Variety of membership levels to suit your business needs. We look forward to having you on board with us, as we reinvigorate our community together!
All Chamber Applications and payments must be made online!
Become a member today and explore the membership options we offer below.

Become a Member Today
Choose from the different membership options below:
Offers monthly group advertising, and a listing on our website, with a link to your homepage.
Offers monthly group advertising, and a listing on our website, with a link to your homepage, and a distinctive plaque.
Offers monthly group advertising, a listing on our website, with a link to your homepage, a distinctive plaque, and a 1-month free banner ad on our website.
This is for personal membership only. No Business listing is included. Additional Ronkonkoma Stewardship Opportunities are available – Contributions of $500 to $5,000 accepted.